Skill 171.71
Update 10/01 21:39
GET UP'N MOVE (2008 X-edit)
Single/EXP Lv 77
Loss 0 / 38.50 pt.
Ghetto Blasta Deluxe
Single/EXP Lv 71
Loss 0 / 35.50 pt.
On The Break
Single/BAS Lv 53
Loss 0 / 26.50 pt.
GET UP'N MOVE (2008 X-edit)
Single/BAS Lv 49
Loss 10 / 22.05 pt.
on the bounce
Single/BAS Lv 46
Loss 8 / 21.16 pt.
Reach Up
Single/BAS Lv 30
Loss 0 / 15.00 pt.
Single/BAS Lv 26
Loss 0 / 13.00 pt.