Skill 171.71
Update 10/01 21:39
Reach Up
Single/BAS ■→0
Update 09/18 14:38
GET UP'N MOVE (2008 X-edit)
Single/BAS ■→10
Update 09/07 22:18
on the bounce
Single/BAS ■→8
Update 09/07 12:35
Ghetto Blasta Deluxe
Single/EXP 1→0
On The Break
Single/BAS 3→0
Update 05/21 22:27
Ghetto Blasta Deluxe
Single/EXP 4→1
Update 04/22 23:45
Ghetto Blasta Deluxe
Single/EXP ■→4
Update 04/21 07:29
GET UP'N MOVE (2008 X-edit)
Single/EXP 1→0
Update 04/19 22:51
On The Break
Single/BAS ■→3
Single/BAS ■→0
GET UP'N MOVE (2008 X-edit)
Single/EXP ■→1